How to Turn Your Pain into Power

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Are you caught in the dogma of PAIN? Do you feel like you’re in LIMBO, like you don’t know how things got so BAD, but you don’t know where to turn next? If you feel like you’re in a place you can’t seem to get out of, this episode is for YOU because Joey Wilder is here to show you how to STOP hurting and turn your PAIN into POWER.

Overcoming pain is NOT something you can achieve passively. The only way out of pain is THROUGH it, and in order to move through it, you need to FEEL it. Pain and uncertainty are NOT unique to you, but the good news is that you can OVERCOME whatever pain you’re experiencing in your life. In this episode, Joey Wilder shares how to STOP letting your pain define you, START using your pain to make you STRONGER, and 7 effective tools to help you take the PAIN you’re experiencing right now and turn it into POWER.


In This Episode:

– 3 hard truths you need to accept if you’re experiencing pain

– The only way out of your pain is THROUGH it. Here’s why…

– Find out why you need to surround yourself with people who tell you the TRUTH, not just stroke your EGO and tell you what you want to hear

– There are ALWAYS things to be learned from hard times. Here’s why…

– THIS is why we do all the WRONG things when we’re in pain…

– Before you turn your PAIN into POWER, there are some things you need to do. Here’s what they are…  

– Find out why most men deny themselves the help they need and why this is such a problem

And much more…

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