THIS is Why Your Marriage is Failing

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So many men find themselves in the same scenario. They discover their wife is CHEATING, she no longer LOVES them, or she says she wants to LEAVE. Then they give away their POWER and think: what do I do now? So what do you do when your wife doesn’t love you anymore? How do you cope when you find out your wife is cheating on you? So many marriages could be SAVED, but they FAIL because men everywhere MESS things up.

Your wife did NOT wake up one day and decide to leave the marriage. That woman LOVED you, she was MARRIED to you, and over time, that changed. But instead of trying to CONTROL her and FORCE your marriage to be saved, there is ONE thing you can do when faced with these situations, and Mark is sharing what that is this week. In this episode, learn how to feel in CONTROL and develop the CLARITY and CONFIDENCE to take the next step when your wife wants to leave. Learn how to be a LEADER, step up and make a decision, and take responsibility for what YOU do next. Do you want to stay married to her, or are you ready to let her go? Discover the next step either way in this episode.


In This Episode:

– Here are some of the reasons your wife wants to leave you…

– Find out what it looks like to become the man you were supposed to become

– Learn how to make a decision and be at peace with it

– You CANNOT control the internal things that happen to her; you can only control what happens for YOU. Here’s why…

– Mark does not specialize in INFORMATION. He specializes in TRANSFORMATION. Here’s what that means for you…

– Discover a simple process you can use when your wife wants a divorce  

– THIS is how you SHOULDN’T react when your wife wants a divorce….

And much more…

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