3 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Respect You (& How to Fix It)

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Does your wife RESPECT you? Do you even know what respect looks like in a marriage? Your wife isn’t looking for RESPECT, she is looking for LOVE, but the number one thing we CRAVE in our relationships as men is RESPECT. Of course, we want LOVE, and of course, we want to feel CHERISHED, but there is something so much more special about a woman RESPECTING us. So ask yourself: are YOU a man who DESERVES her respect?

In this episode, Mark shares 3 signs your partner doesn’t respect you and what you need to do to fix it. Remember, the way you show up in LIFE is the way you show up at HOME and in your RELATIONSHIP, so hear the REAL reasons your wife DOESN’T respect you, why this is a huge problem with DISEMPOWERED men, and some powerful questions to ask yourself around your own marriage or relationship.

In This Episode:

– One of the sexiest things a woman can do in a marriage

– Boundaries have NOTHING to do with control and everything to do with THIS…

– Are you COMMUNICATING your boundaries to your wife? Here’s how to tell…

– Find out why your wife doesn’t HONOR you

– When you LACK personal integrity, here’s what’s going to happen…

– Discover what YOU need to do if you’re a man who wants to be respected by your wife

– THIS is what genuine, authentic communication looks like…

And much more…

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