The Power of Perspective

We all have perspective, but so many of us don’t understand how POWERFUL it is. Life is about choices, and here’s the thing, YOU get to CHOOSE the perspective you want to have in ANY area of your life. So instead of blaming your wife, the market, or anybody else for YOUR shortcomings, get your sh*t FIXED and choose a different perspective. YOU get to choose what you want and what you become; that is the power of perspective.

 This week, Mark is showing you how to choose an EMPOWERED mindset instead of a DISEMPOWERED one and sharing his own experiences of choosing a perspective that did not allow him to waste his pain, become disempowered, or wither away. Mark chose to become STRONGER and is sharing three tools to help you understand the power of perspective, so you can do the same.

“Transformation doesn’t happen overnight. It is a process. You are more capable than you realize.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– Learn why any obstacle is in fact an opportunity to grow

– Hear why the perspective so many men have while going through divorce is a problem

– Find out how your experiences STRENGTHEN you as a man

– Mark shares where so many men play the victim and why doing so is not useful

– Discover why true growth does not happen in the easy, it happens in the DIFFICULT

– Here are some questions to ask yourself to change your perspective on a situation…

– Mark shares his own experiences of turning obstacles into opportunities

– Learn an exercise in managing your worries about what you CAN and CANNOT control

– Wasting your pain is the dumbest thing you can do. Here’s what to do instead…

– Mark shares why CHOOSING divorce was the BEST thing he ever did

– Hear the REAL reason women leave marriages…

And much more…

Books mentioned:

–   The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials Into Triumph by Ryan Holiday:

–   Ego is the Enemy: The Fight to Master Our Greatest Opponent by Ryan Holiday:


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The Obstacle Is The Way

When we think about separation and divorce, what usually comes to mind is that it is an obstacle. We see it as a problem, and something that needs to be fixed. But when you look at your separation or divorce and only see the problem, you fail to realize that it is actually an opportunity.

Too many of you are so HURT and so ANGRY when you go through a separation or divorce that you don’t know how to take action. But the philosophy Mark shares today is so impactful that you should be applying it in EVERY aspect of life. Mark is showing you how to look at your problem for what it actually is, how he applied this work in his own life, and how to turn these obstacles into opportunities in your life.

“This can’t harm me. I might not have wanted it to happen, but I decide how it will affect me. No one else has the right.”

– Mark Santiago 

In This Episode:

– Learn why your EGO might be getting in the way of your marriage

– Mark shares what unselfish action looks like and how to take it in your marriage

– There is a way to take ownership over your feelings. Here’s how…

– Mark shares the concept of objective judgment and how to look past it to discover what’s really going on inside of you

– As a husband, you have responsibilities, and your wife has responsibilities. Here’s the difference between the two…

– Hear why men look at problems through a lens of trying to figure them out instead of accepting what is

– Mark shares the difference between internal and external pain and how to understand your own core pain

– Learn what manipulation is and how to make sure you don’t do it in your relationship

– Ego is the ENEMY. Here’s why…

And much more…

Books mentioned:

– The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials Into Triumph by Ryan Holiday:

– Ego is the Enemy: The Fight to Master Our Greatest Opponent by Ryan Holiday:

– The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.:

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No Bad Marriages, Only Bad Husbands

Marriages don’t just dissipate overnight, and a good marriage comes down to having a good leader. You can be a GREAT husband if you choose to be, and you can have an AMAZING life if you choose to, regardless of your circumstance or what she’s doing. When men focus on saving themselves, their marriages get saved at a much higher rate.

There are no bad marriages, only bad husbands. And Mark saying this might be a trigger for a lot of you, and that’s OK. You need to stop LYING to yourself, because the more honest you are, the more capacity you have for truth. It’s not your FAULT you have a bad relationship, but it is your RESPONSIBILITY. In this episode, Mark shares five things to think about with regards to influencing your marriage and what a good marriage TRULY boils down to.

“Fault indicates shame, responsibility indicates leadership. When we lack leadership in our marriage, we have bad marriages.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– Learn what it takes to become a MAN and lead your marriage

– Why so many men hit the SHE button instead of what they should be hitting – the ME button

– Hear why there are no bad TEAMS, only bad LEADERS and how this applies to marriage

– Discover one of the worst things you can do for a woman

– Find out why being a bad husband does not make you a bad man

– Mark shows you how to start leading and start leading WELL in your marriage

– Hear some examples of how to lead in your marriage

– The difference between influencing your wife and making her do something

And much more…


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Lifestyle of Ownership – As A Producer

You’ve heard Mark talk about owning your sh*t as a leader, a man, a husband, and a father, but this week, he is talking about you as a PRODUCER. But what is a producer? A producer is a man who produces time, income, resources, and assets for himself and his family. A producer is YOU. You were put on this earth to PRODUCE.

Think of the opportunities you are missing out on RIGHT NOW because you are not owning your sh*t as a producer. In this episode, hear how to transition into a producer mindset and the three keys to owning your sh*t as a producer. Mark shows you how to create HUGE changes in your life, and why it’s time for you to STOP playing small, START investing in yourself, and become the PRODUCER of your life.

“A man who takes ownership in all areas of his life is not a VICTIM, he is a VICTOR.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– Find out why it’s YOUR responsibility to get the help you need and do the work in your life

– You might not be managing your time well as a producer, here’s how to tell…

– Are you showing up as a producer in your life? Use these questions to find out…

– Discover how to develop the necessary skills and mindset to own your sh*t as a producer

– Mark shares how applying this work in his own life led him to where he is today

– Learn what it means to have a producer mindset and what you need to be doing to own your sh*t as a producer

– Are you doing enough high-value activities in your business? This is what it looks like if you are or aren’t

– Mark shares the key to making more money in your life

And much more…


Mentioned on the Show:

– Are you in Phoenix, Arizona and looking for a job? Want to work for Empowered Man? Email, Mark would love to chat.

– Has this podcast been impacting your life? Email to share how.

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Lifestyle of Ownership – As A Leader

Over the last three weeks, Mark has spoken about cultivating a lifestyle of ownership, and this week he’s talking about you as a LEADER. As a husband and father, you are already a leader, but this week, you’ll find out the specifics behind what it really takes to be a GREAT leader.

Leadership to most people is about being in charge and telling people what to do. And YES, leadership does have an element of this, but it isn’t all about being the BOSS. It’s about your ability to impact other people, situations, and make a change. The amount of influence and the amount of impact you have over others dictates how much LEADERSHIP you truly have. So ask yourself, are YOU a strong leader? In this episode, hear what TRUE leadership begins with, the importance of accountability, and how to own your sh*t with yourself, other people, and your future.

“You must be able to keep yourself accountable. You must be responsible to yourself. That is true leadership.”

– Mark Santiago 

In This Episode:

– There are two main aspects when it comes to leadership of yourself. Here’s what they are…

– Find out what owning your sh*t does and does not look like

– Learn why you cannot move FORWARD in your life without working through the core pain you are experiencing

– Mark shares why, before you lead anybody else, you have to lead YOURSELF

– Wondering what TRUE leadership BEGINS with? Here’s the answer…

– Discover what it takes to live a life of freedom, power, and confidence

– As a LEADER, you need to be honest with other people and keep them accountable. Here’s why…

– Learn how to own your sh*t with YOURSELF so you can own your sh*t with other people

– Mark shares the concept of The Power Triangle and shows you how to apply it in your life

– Hear what a lifestyle of ownership REALLY is and why it starts with YOU being a leader of YOURSELF and your OWN LIFE

And much more…


Book mentioned:

–   Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win Hardcover by Jocko Willink:

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Lifestyle of Ownership – As a Man

Continuing the Lifestyle of Ownership series this week, Mark is talking about you as a MAN. You as a man is very different from you as a father, husband, or leader. When all is stripped away and there is just YOU left, what do you REALLY think about yourself?

As a man, you have to know what you WANT. You have to know what you NEED. And you have to articulate these to connect emotionally with the people around you. When a man can’t articulate his NEEDS, he can’t connect with ANYBODY, and that sh*t is not healthy. In this episode, Mark shares what it means to show up as a MAN and how to make sure you are LIVING, not just EXISTING. Find out why so many men don’t know what they NEED and how owning your sh*t as a man will change how you show up in EVERY other area of your life.

“What the world needs is men who have come alive, not living in fear, shame, and weakness.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– Find out the dominant belief a man needs to have before he can do the work he needs to do to be successful in life

– There are TWO different worlds for men – the internal and external – find out what they involve…

– Learn about the emotional connection that happens when a man is vulnerable with his wife

– Your physical body plays a role in how you are showing up in the world. Find out how…

– So many men feel alone in what they’re going through. Hear how Empowered Man’s purpose is to help with this…

– Discover how to make sure your internal and external worlds are in check and how to start living life again

– Are you LIVING your life or are you just EXISTING? Here’s how to tell the difference…

– Hear why you need to show up strong, powerful, and present as a man

 And much more…


Book mentioned:

–   Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win Hardcover by Jocko Willink:

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Lifestyle of Ownership – As a Father

Last week, we spoke about a lifestyle of ownership when it comes to your marriage and you as a HUSBAND, and specifically to how you communicate and show up in your relationship. And this week, we’re talking about you as a FATHER. It’s time to consider what YOU need to change about YOU if you want to be an example for your kids.

Owning your sh*t isn’t just about the mistakes, it’s about owning the positives too. So when it comes to being a father, what have YOU done positively? What are the things you are doing well RIGHT NOW when it comes to your children? You can OWN all of those things. Join Mark this week as he shares what he has learned from his own father and how he applies this learning – both the good AND the bad – to parenting his kids. He’s sharing some habits he has built through being a father and three questions to ask yourself when it comes to owning your sh*t with your kids.

“Presence is powerful. If your presence is weak, if your presence is not powerful, your kids will know that.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

Find out what WEAK men do when faced with pressure

– Learn the difference between fault and responsibility as a father

– If you’re lying to YOURSELF, you’re lying to your kids. This is why…

– Mark shares the importance of PRESENCE when it comes to being POWERFUL as a father

– Hear why you have to be intentional about the character traits you want to instill in your children

– Your behavior could be influencing the behavior of your kids. Here’s how…

– One of the most beneficial things you can do with your children

And much more…

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Lifestyle of Ownership – As a Husband

We live in a world where everyone is a VICTIM, and NOBODY wants to take ownership of anything. Too many men blame their wives, their jobs, their kids, for their problems, and it’s everyone else’s fault except THEIRS. But the key to fixing your marriage is to OWN it. Own your sh*t inside it, take RESPONSIBILITY, and hold yourself ACCOUNTABLE.

Ownership is a lifestyle. It is something we LIVE and BREATHE, and it is part of our entire essence as empowered men. And to have a lifestyle of ownership, a man needs to THRIVE in all five dimensions of life. So to kick off the brand-new show format, Mark explores The Lifestyle of Ownership, starting with YOU as a HUSBAND. Find out why taking ownership of your life is CRUCIAL in becoming an empowered man and three practical things you should be doing RIGHT NOW if you want to have successful ownership of your marriage.

“We cannot be men who are thriving, or men who are empowered, if we lack accountability and responsibility.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– Find out why a lifestyle of ownership helps you become a 5-dimensional man  

– When men come to Empowered Man for support, there is ONE THING that Mark thinks is the WORST, here’s what it is…

– Mark asks you some questions to get REAL with yourself and find out where you are NOT owning sh*t in your marriage or relationship

– Hear why you ALWAYS have the opportunity to be responsible and accountable for what you do

– Find out why being decisive is CRUCIAL in owning your marriage

– Learn exactly why accountability + responsibility = leadership and how to apply that in your own life

– Find out the ONE thing men need to do to become empowered in their marriages

– Most men don’t think of their marriage as something they OWN, here’s why that’s NOT true…

And much more…

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The Vision of 2.0

Empowered AF 2.0 is HERE, are you ready?! The new format is going to blow your mind. There will be way more fun, topics that have never been spoken about before on the podcast, and a host of brand-new guests coming onto the show.

Empowered Man is SO much more than simply helping men navigate toxic marriages, so this week, Mark shares his vision for Empowered Man 2.0 and some of the topics he’ll be discussing in future episodes. Hear the reason for the new format, how it’s going to work, what you can expect each week, and a BRAND-NEW concept that will be part of the show. Get ready to be EMPOWERED. 

“Our vision in Empowered Man is not to save marriages, but to save men.”

– Mark Santiago 

In This Episode:

– Find out the genesis behind Empowered AF 2.0 and why it’s going to be BETTER than ever

– Hear what you can expect from Empowered Man 2.0 and what you’ll gain from listening to the podcast episodes

– Mark tells you why you DO NOT have to settle for the shit you are going through and why there is always more for you

– Discover some of the topics Mark will be discussing on future podcast episodes

And much more…

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F*CK New Year’s Resolutions

2022 is right around the corner, and you might be thinking about setting New Year’s resolutions. Some of you are in the midst of divorce and separation, and you think making resolutions will make you happier. You are WRONG. Resolutions SUCK – they DO NOT work. Andrew Lawrie joins Mark on the show this week to share why and what you can do instead to become truly empowered in 2022.

Empowered AF 2.0 is coming, and Mark has a vision to do some great, impactful things in 2022. YOU get to decide who you want to be and how you want to show up, and you get to do it right now. Do you want to show up as WEAK, or do you want to show up EMPOWERED? You do NOT want to miss this episode.

“Fill your cup before you fill everybody else’s, you can’t pour out of an empty cup.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– Andrew shares the reason new year’s resolutions DO NOT work and what you should do instead

– Learn three things you can do RIGHT NOW do to be empowered in 2022

– Discover the concept of “push” weeks and “pull” weeks and why becoming accustomed to this way of thinking will help you avoid burnout

– Why New Year’s resolutions are magic thinking and how to actually become empowered in 2022

– Mark shares why you DON’T need a human to be happy in life – regardless of what you might believe – and why if you do, you’re likely co-dependent

– Find out where your happiness comes from and what to do to really show up in your TRUE power

– Find out EXACTLY what you need to do in 2022 to be Empowered AF

And much more…

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