Get Out of Your Own Way!

No matter how determined you may be to change your life or marriage, it only takes hesitation and a lack of ownership to halt any progress. In the end, YOU are your biggest hindrance to your growth. In this new episode, Mark lays out the BIG difference between men who live in the past versus work toward the future, how to see your future as an investment and not just “buying change”, and what women are looking for in a TRULY empowered leader. Once you’re finally out of your own way, NO one can stop you!

“Once you realize that you can’t escape you, you have to get out of your own way and level up your expectations.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– If you’re serious about making a change and NOT just pussyfooting around it, then remember THIS KEY difference between living in the past versus working for the future.

– The journey to change yourself may be an emotional one, but if you forget WHY you need to put your money where your mouth is, you’ll be left feeling small no matter how big your wallet is.

– Before you write off improving yourself as just “spending money”, keep THIS real world analogy in mind to shift your focus away from spending and TOWARD investing, forever.

– Being a true leader for your wife is more than abs or money. Being confident and sexy is a man who tells her this CRUCIAL thing about their future, no matter the circumstances, and prioritizes ACTION over words.

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How to Stop Being a “Fixer”

When the temptation to “fix” a situation fires up in you, STOP. Most men are hard-wired to react to problems with a solution, but that “solution” is doomed from the start. In this new episode, Mark lays out the FUNDAMENTAL difference between “fixers” and true leaders, highlighting why KNOWING your problems is MUCH more important than “fixing” them. Mark covers WHY fixing things is such a bad approach, TWO simple words to help you ground yourself in stressful situations, and the REAL reason you want to fix everything and how to anticipate issues BEFORE any damage is done.

“Men, we are good at fixing shit, but your wife is NOT something that needs to be fixed. Leaders are anticipators who anticipate problems and lead from humility, whereas fixers only react to problems out of fear.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– Most men are HARD-wired to be “fixers”, but once you get WHY fixing often does more harm than good, you’ll begin to see TRUE improvement in yourself AND your relationship.

– Let’s be honest: The temptation to “fix” your wife has NOTHING to do with her, and you NEED to understand the KEY reason you react to problems instead of anticipating them.

– If you want to make the switch from fixer to leader, listen to Mark break down his THREE steps to expose your insecurities and lead from a place of strength—it all starts with stopping THIS toxic behavior.

– Before you react out of desperation, remember these TWO simple words, take a breath, and remind yourself that you need to practice THIS if you want to lead from strength.

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3 Killer Mistakes Men Make when Facing Divorce

When it comes to dealing with divorce, men want the QUICK and EASY way forward. But it often leads them ROBBED of everything they worked hard for. Sometimes, it can also leave them mentally and emotionally BATTERED. David Pisarra joins Mark in today’s episode to talk about how an EMPOWERED man should prepare for divorce and not come out empty-handed. They tackle all the legal concerns that need careful attention before proceeding to the court, how to SHELTER your ASSETS, how to present yourself on paper, and all the important details to EQUIP and EMPOWER you in your legal battle. 

“Men just want to come in and bulldoze everything, they don’t wanna face the pain. But the key thing in divorce is long term strategy.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– Do you want to know how an empowered man deals with divorce? Simple, he doesn’t deal! Learn the STRATEGIC ACTIONS you need to take to proceed slowly but SURELY. 

– The “locker room talk” is no longer accepted in the greater public eye and can lead to traps set by your Ex’s legal team; the fact is, men simply don’t know their rights. Hear from David how you can PROTECT yourself before it happens and when it happens.

– There are tell-tale signs you NEED to watch out for that tell you you’re about to get divorced. Spot those alarming signs and SAVE yourself from trouble – financially and figuratively! 

– “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity” and a truly empowered man knows this by heart. But how can you PREPARE when you still haven’t come to terms with reality? Find out how to shake a man past the DENIAL phase of a divorce.



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The 7 Secrets of Empowered Men

For all this talk of “empowering” yourself, what does it ACTUALLY mean to make that change? We all live with shame and insecurities, but too many men fall into habits of scapegoating and absorbing information as a distraction from their problems, especially when their life is turning sideways. If you want to become that EMPOWERED man, then you NEED to hear Mark lay out the simple, but not easy, steps to get there. Mark lists the SEVEN ways that an empowered man rises from the crowd of boys, how to take ACTION in a sea of information, and THE thing you need to focus on everyday to push through the struggles and rise from the ashes.

“A disempowered man focuses on what his wife is doing; an empowered man focuses on his own growth.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– Want to know what TRULY separates an EMPOWERED man versus a disempowered one? Once you hear the SEVEN ways that an empowered man distinguishes himself from the pack, you’ll take a good, hard look at your own life.

– In a world of limitless information, shouldn’t everyone be empowered and live their dream? Absorbing information is one thing, but if you want to actually ACT on that information, you need to make THIS mental shift first. It’s simple, but it’s not easy.

– If your wife comes to you with an ultimatum about what you haven’t been doing in the marriage, the temptation is to suddenly compensate by doing THAT thing to save the old marriage. The problem? This DOES NOT work, and you NEED to hear Mark explain WHY and what you should do INSTEAD to move forward, not backward.

– When someone has wronged you somehow, you will feel the urge to focus on that wrong. This is a HUGE mistake that keeps men in a disempowered state! Instead, if you’re committed to YOUR growth, then you need to set your sights on THIS, no matter what happens.

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Raise Your Standards, Change Your Life

When we see people who have it more “figured out” than we do, it’s easy to blame anything from our genetics to the President. While some people have certain advantages that others don’t, it doesn’t come down to resources. The truth? YOU are responsible for your reality, so STOP blaming anything else but yourself. In this episode, Mark explains WHY a mere desire to improve your life doesn’t cut it, this ONE phrase that’s KEY to raising your standards and ACTUALLY seeing changes, and four steps that will FREE you from self-limiting beliefs, help you embrace the discomfort, and bring out your empowered self.

“Your current reality is a byproduct of what you’ve grown to accept in your life TODAY.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– If you keep finding yourself in and out of debt or relationships, it’s not what you think. Listen to the REAL reason why you crave more but keep coming up short.

– When you repeat THIS phrase, you’re not making it easier for anybody; you’re just subjecting yourself to misery. If you’re serious about making a change, STOP accepting less and level up your standards.

– By following these four simple steps TODAY to “raise your necessity”, you’ll realize how FULLY in control you are of your life.

– Your feelings are powerful, but they do NOT control you and often lead you astray. Once you realize THIS distinction between feeling and doing, you will truly understand the sacrifices necessary for making the changes you’ve always wanted.

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The Four C’s for Communicating Like a Leader

I want you to reflect on where your life is right now. Not happy with it? I have news for you: The solution is simple, but not easy. In this new episode, Mark emphasizes how communication is the cause for so much hardship in marriages, yet so many men fail to effectively articulate their feelings, leaving them feeling alienated. Mark then lays out how to make ACTUAL changes in your life TODAY, as well as a CRUCIAL distinction between shame and guilt that will show you why you need to lean INTO your pain to get results, not shy away from it.

“A lack of certainty in your communication causes insecurity in the listener. If you want to grow up, you have to stop lying to yourself.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– Feeling stuck or in a rut? You’re not alone, but it IS your responsibility. If you’re serious about making a shift, you NEED to hear Mark explain the TRUTH about REAL change.

– Why the “Comm Core 4” technique is the SECRET to solving this SIMPLE thing that 99% of men struggle with. It’s hard work, but you ARE capable of more!

– If you’ve ever found yourself shaming other men for lying, stop yourself. Not only are you probably guilty of lying at some point, but you need to hear THIS harsh truth if you want to finally grow up and become your empowered self.

– Shame and guilt are VERY different emotions, yet so much pain comes from confusing the two. Once you learn this VERY powerful distinction, you’ll be empowered by your pain, not disabled by it.

– Clear, Concise, Calm, Certain.

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How to Empower Yourself as a Single Dad

When you look after the children by yourself for the first time, how will you react? Will you resort to pity and apathy, or will you carry yourself with the strength needed to fulfill both your kids’ and your needs? Parenthood is hard and single parenthood is even harder, but it IS possible. In this new episode, Mark sits down with fellow Empowered AF coach, Isaiah Fliessbach, to discuss how they both successfully raised children AND developed themselves, all while single. They lay out a CRUCIAL mindset shift to help you to address the pain that’s holding you back as a father, daily practices that will accelerate your growth and help you show up without fail, and the KEY question for unlocking a healthy long-term relationship with your children, free from your past.

“When I moved out, I didn’t choose to be a bachelor again; I chose to be a dad who happened to be single.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– If you’ve ever felt unheard or ignored in your life, you’re not alone. Before you write yourself off as “crazy”, implement THIS philosophy into your life to find the TRUE cause of your pain.

– In those moments when life seems to be crashing around you, ask yourself this ONE question before you blame anyone else; you may have seen this before and know how to stop the pattern.

– Above all else, this SIMPLE philosophy is the SECRET to developing a healthy relationship with your children, even as a single parent.

– Both Isaiah and Mark recognize fatherhood as the greatest challenge in life, but instead of giving in to the pressure, they use these TRANSFORMATIONAL practices to push through and remember why it’s all worth it.

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Why Bethany Came Back to the Marriage

If you’re reading this wondering how you could possibly salvage your marriage, you’re not alone. But, here’s the catch: Before you save anything else, you HAVE to save yourself. On this new episode, Mark talks with Noah A. and his wife, Bethany, about how the program has deeply helped their marriage, but that’s never been the program’s focus. Noah and Bethany discuss how this ONE question forced Noah to check himself, an approachable way for men to articulate their feelings, and the simple TRUTH that reminds us where the real healing begins.

“Every time we start with a guy in our program, we tell them, ‘This is about the man, not about the marriage. Something in the man needs to change.’”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– When Noah insisted on making this SMALL change in his failing marriage, the tide started to turn.

– Articulating deep feelings is a challenge for men, but if you approach communication like THIS, you’ll see why it made ALL the difference in Noah’s marriage.

– Unsure if you need guidance? Noah asks us the FUNDAMENTAL question that can make or break a man, let alone a marriage.

– A marriage can be repaired, but it’s just a reflection of something deeper. Once you realize the TRUTH that Noah did, you’ll understand that healing starts elsewhere.

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Leadership Starts with You

Every man has a leader inside of him, but if he doesn’t learn how to lead himself first, he’ll never be able to lead others, let alone a marriage. So many men believe that focusing ONLY on their wives’ happiness will inevitably make them happy, but this approach too often leads to catering and giving up parts of themselves for peace in the household. Once the man forgets who he is, he stops being a leader, and a marriage without a leader isn’t a marriage at all. In this new episode, Mark sits down with a graduate of the VIP Empowered Man program, Andrew Lawrie, to detail how Andrew has been finding his inner leader and bringing new life into his marriage and career.

“ We don’t have the secret success to life; what we have is life. Our goal isn’t to save your marriage; our goal is to wake your ass up.”

                                        – Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– Why THIS beloved saying was actually KILLING Andrew’s marriage.

– After Andrew realized his marriage was failing, he made this ONE adjustment that shows why leadership can make or break a relationship.

– If you want to know how to set rock-solid boundaries and NEVER be a pushover again, listen to these practical steps you can practice TODAY.

– Andrew’s “bowling alley” analogy that keeps his life on track EVERY day.


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Stop Playing The Victim

To live is to constantly grow and improve, but if you’re blaming anyone else but yourself, you’re not growing. Looking at yourself honestly and taking accountability can be incredibly painful, but it IS necessary in your growth as a man. Most of us have wounds, but touting them as trophies isn’t how they heal; they heal when you go to surgery. In this new episode, Mark lays out the fundamentals of why men are so stubborn about seeking help, three actionable steps to help you EARN back control, and the ONE question that will reveal the mountain. Remember: YOU have to climb it.

Victim energy is when you operate your life from an energy source that makes other people feel sorry for you.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– Listen to THIS analogy to fully grasp why men refuse to get help and continue to bleed on the inside.

– Can’t seem to get clarity on your issue? Focus on figuring out THIS about yourself first, then the problem will reveal itself, but YOU are responsible for solving it.

– If you’re tired of feeling like an out of control victim in your marriage, remember these THREE steps to make change and take control.

– In the moments when you feel the most disempowered and small, ask yourself this ONE question to see the mountain through the fog.

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