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In this episode, Mark and Joey address the pain, uncertainty, and frustration experienced by many of their listeners. They explore the options of saving an old marriage, creating a new one, or considering divorce. They also talk about the importance of clarity, empowerment, personal sacrifice and prioritizing one’s own happiness.
Episode Summary:
- Intro to this episode. 0:03
- Welcome to the next level of empowered AF 2.0 and what it means to be an empowered man in his most advanced form.
- The three things you need to have clarity on. 1:50
- The three things that are on the table, new marriage, divorce or old marriage.
- If a guy wants a new marriage ask himself why he wants to be married to this person.
- Why do you want to be married to this person? 3:50
- The first question to ask is, why do you want to be married to this person?
- The goal of reconciliation is to become the most empowered version of yourself.
- What has to matter to you? 5:41
- The desire for healthiness has to supersede anything else. The lack of health is what is dictating your life right now, and you have today what you deserve because of what you believe in.
- The truth serum exercise, seven days of truth to understand what is really happening in your marriage.
- What we’ve done for 21 plus years. 8:23
- The future holds unknown avenues, and the future has unknown avenues. They have always kept their morals up, no cheating, etc.
- What they have done for 21 plus years has not worked.
- How do you choose to move forward? 10:07
- The question is in Tony’s court. He gets to choose how they move forward.
- The children have come to you also and said dad, we’re not happy here. We want to go back to Canada.
- Why would you give up children? 12:48
- Thomas is not giving up his children. He is giving them 48 members of her family that no other family members are around.
- The other option is to not allow them to go there.
- Choosing the path of least resistance. 15:12
- The atomic reaction of choosing the path of least resistance, the one that will produce more happiness.
- The calculation is how to get the collective to be more happier.
- You can always come up with an optimal solution. 17:26
- Mark challenges listeners to look into their own internal wants, needs and desires, because they are no good to those kids if they are not happy.
- There are over 50 episodes on the foundations of how to be an empowered man. Check out the empowered man group on
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YOUR journey of healing starts with trusting the Empowered Man process and a $27 buy-in. If you can’t afford that, then you are doing the wrong work. You are paid commensurate to your value — so create more value.
Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce –
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In this episode, Mark and Joey dive deep into the cycle of dysfunction among men dealing with marital challenges. They discuss the need for self-empowerment and clarity about your identity. They encourage brutal honesty, emphasizing the importance of personal growth before seeking reconciliation. Mark and Joey also urge you to focus on becoming empowered and setting boundaries, regardless of the outcome of your relationships.
Episode Summary:
- Intro to the episode. 0:03
- Welcome to the next level of empowered AF 2.0.
- The cycle of dysfunction.
- What were the stories you were telling yourself before dysfunction happened? 2:16
- What guys were telling themselves before this dysfunction happened.
- The first time in history, everyone was good.
- How am I supposed to show up when I’m in limbo? 5:06
- Polarizing question, how am I supposed to show up?
- Lack of identity and limbo.
- Deer in the headlights. 7:44
- Trauma entering the body and what to do with it.
- Playing the victim card.
- Fake it ’til you make it.
- Focus on the goals in front of you.
- Can I just please fuck you one time. 12:19
- Her leaving is not the real problem.
- How to approach your wife.
- The saddest thing I’ve ever seen. 14:38
- The saddest thing ever seen in a marriage.
- How to set boundaries.
- What happens when you start to value yourself. 16:54
- Some of us are addicted to toxic relationships.
- The George Jefferson story.
- Empowerment is more valuable than personal empowerment.
- Acceptance is more important than being needy.
- When do you approach the conversation with your wife? 22:12
- How to approach a conversation with his wife.
- How to deal with situational pain.
- Clarifying the boundaries that you need. 24:54
- The shame cycle that men go through.
- The first thing to do is clarify boundaries.
- Wake up and book a call. 27:46
- Get on with one of their concierge.
- Dedicate and focus on yourself and your kids.
- Connect with Mark on Facebook.
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YOUR journey of healing starts with trusting the Empowered Man process and a $27 buy-in. If you can’t afford that, then you are doing the wrong work. You are paid commensurate to your value — so create more value.
Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce –
Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! –
In This Episode, Mark and Joey discuss the importance of choosing complete healing over short-term quick fixes, taking ownership of one’s life, shifting from victimhood to empowerment, and the significance of surrounding yourself with an environment that supports growth and transformation.
Episode Summary:
- Intro to the episode. 0:03
- Welcome to the next level of Empowered AF 2.0.
- Shame says I am a bad man. 2:13
- The difference between guilt and shame.
- Why most men fail to take responsibility for their transformation.
- Blaming everyone else and blaming the circumstances.
- The importance of not looking past the question.
- How did I contribute to the failure of the marriage? 5:24
- Narcissistic ways and beliefs.
- How did he contribute to the failure of the marriage.
- You are not a victim if you choose to be. 7:13
- You are not a victim right now.
- Taking ownership of your own life.
- The truth shall set you free by taking responsibility. 9:43
- Being a free man vs being enslaved.
- How to own your shit.
- Owning the shit is an identity shift.
- The power of environment and accountability. 14:56
- Leveraging the power of the environment.
- The power of accountability.
- Show me your friends and I will show you your future. 17:07
- Our lower aspirins around us judge us.
- Your friends will get you where they are.
- How can I choose complete healing over short term quick fixes? 18:33
- How to choose complete healing over short-term quick fix.
- Pressure relief valves.
- How to feel empowered. 20:17
- Venting will make you feel good for a second, but it doesn’t heal anything.
- Tom Brady’s coach.
- How to get clear on your goals. 22:12
- Clarity one-on-one call with mark.
- The growth of the empowered man group.
- The first 50 episodes in the podcast.
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YOUR journey of healing starts with trusting the Empowered Man process and a $27 buy-in. If you can’t afford that, then you are doing the wrong work. You are paid commensurate to your value — so create more value.
Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce –
Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! –
In This Episode, Mark and Joey discuss the powerful emotions of guilt and how it can lead to transformation. They explore the pitfalls of incremental improvement and emphasize the need for radical identity shifts to initiate meaningful change. They also talk about how to break free from the guilt-shame-blame cycle and embrace conviction to redefine your path.
Episode Summary:
- Introduction to today’s episode. 0:03
- Introduction to the next level of Empowered AF 2.0.
- Guilt vs conviction.
- How to begin the transformation. 2:35
- Guilt isn’t enough, there has to be some level of pain.
- The three-step process.
- The cycle of shame and guilt. 5:00
- The connection between guilt and conviction.
- The cycle of shame and guilt.
- The drama triangle, guilt, shame and blame.
- The shift from guilt to conviction.
- The conviction needed for transformation. 10:03
- Conviction of transformation vs conviction of disempowerment.
- Shifting thoughts to what he will do differently.
- The importance of acknowledging your own guilt. 12:36
- The importance of acknowledging guilt and setting a new standard.
- The power of ownership.
- The first step is to feel guilty.
- The second step is the conviction.
- Being better is better but better is bullshit. 18:13
- Being better is not bad, but better is bullshit.
- 10x is easier than 2X.
- The radical shift from drug addiction to sobriety. 20:29
- The difference between a drug addict and a former drug addict.
- Most men don’t want to become empowered.
- Becoming a completely different man. 22:10
- Becoming a completely different man.
- Taking care of yourself and shield yourself from things.
- What does 10x look like for you? 26:49
- What 10x looks like for you right now.
- How to balance time and energy.
- What makes me come alive as a man? 29:35
- What makes Randy come alive as a man.
- Check out the first episode of the podcast.
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YOUR journey of healing starts with trusting the Empowered Man process and a $27 buy-in. If you can’t afford that, then you are doing the wrong work. You are paid commensurate to your value — so create more value.
Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce –
Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! –
In This Episode, Mark and Joey lead an encore discussion on how to defuse toxicity in relationships. They emphasize the importance of self-ownership, setting boundaries, and taking responsibility to break the cycle of dysfunction. They address the challenges of control and the need for personal growth to achieve freedom.
Episode Summary:
- Intro to this episode. 0:03
- Welcome to the next level of empowered AF 2.0.
- The importance of being effective in relationships.
- Ownership equals responsibility and shame equals shame. 1:57
- Level of toxicity is a reflection of the toxicity in us.
- Ownership, responsibility and shame.
- How to deal with toxicity in a relationship.
- How to overcome toxicity in relationships.
- Boundaries are never about the other person. 7:04
- Boundaries are for you 100% of the time.
- Asking the right question..
- Pride is the worst thing you could deal with.
- True leaders demand accountability of themselves. 10:36
- True leaders demand accountability of themselves before they demand accountability from others.
- You get to choose what you do and whether or not you engage with it.
- You have to make the choice based on what you put up with.
- Why we don’t save marriages. 15:30
- The importance of valuing yourself enough.
- The story of the man who manipulated his wife back.
- Making a choice to move on from toxic relationships. 17:55
- Being 100% responsible for himself and his kids.
- The importance of being 100% accountable.
- The two places guys are in right now.
- When it’s time to give up.
- How to deal with toxicity. 22:52
- How to deal with toxicity and conflict.
- How to rekindle the emotional connection.
- How to create a new marriage. 25:13
- Creating a new marriage is the only way to move forward.
- It only takes one person to save their marriage.
- How to build a relationship with her.
- How to take down the mental hurdle.
- Why do you want to be with someone who doesn’t want you? 30:33
- The wrong question to be asking.
- The difference between emotional and physical affairs.
- Your marriage is over, whether you can save it or not.
- Your opportunity right now.
- How long do you need to wait for forgiveness? 33:36
- Forgiveness is not an option, it’s time for good.
- Creating boundaries with kids.
- Enforcing boundaries is extremely important in this situation.
- How does her own weakness make a difference? 39:10
- Bob bugged six of her hotel rooms.
- Bob feels betrayed and in denial.
- What does it mean to be an abuser? 42:04
- The importance of emotional connection in a marriage.
- Why 98% of marriages fail.
- A common epidemic in the marriage world.
- The 16 bags of luggage.
- Letting go of control of the marriage.
- Marriage is a covenant.
- How do we work together? 49:09
- One person with trauma and baggage and the other person with baggage.
- The beauty of marriage.
- Three things a wife must do to come back to the marriage.
- How to become an attractive man. 51:57
- Become attractive emotionally and become attractive emotionally.
- Do things outside of your comfort zone.
- The secret to becoming an empowered man.
- The concept of neutral woman.
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YOUR journey of healing starts with trusting the Empowered Man process and a $27 buy-in. If you can’t afford that, then you are doing the wrong work. You are paid commensurate to your value — so create more value.
Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce –
Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! –
In This Episode, Mark and Joey discuss the importance of taking back your power in relationships. They address issues like feeling stuck, dealing with affairs, and navigating pain and uncertainty. They guide you through four steps: clarification, setting boundaries, understanding the partner’s perspective, and taking appropriate action. They emphasize the need to own your emotions while also recognizing what is not yours to own. They also encourage you to focus on personal responsibility and self-value, urging you to establish healthy boundaries and refuse to tolerate mistreatment.
Episode Summary:
- How to turn your pain into power? 0:03
- Welcome to the next level of empowered AF 2.0.
- Three types of men.
- How to turn your pain into power. 3:06
- Step one, clarify what is yours to own.
- Owning the emotions.
- You are responsible for you and how you show up.
- Owning something that doesn’t belong to you.
- What is not yours to own. 8:20
- Step two, set some boundaries.
- Step three, get a pulse on your wife.
- Get a pulse on ownership. 11:04
- Step three is to get a pulse.
- Ownership vs freedom.
- Why boundaries are important in a cheating marriage.
- The importance of setting boundaries.
- Setting healthy financial boundaries. 15:58
- Setting healthy boundaries and financial boundaries.
- Develop a plan. Step three, clarity and clarity.
- Steps to take back your power. 18:00
- Four steps to take power back.
- Best way to handle an affair partner.
- There is not a damn thing you can do about it.
- Being friends with his ex-wife.
- The importance of boundaries in divorce.
- Do I stay loyal until the divorce is final or work on myself? 23:57
- Loyal until the divorce is final and just work on yourself.
- Trauma bond over trauma.
- How to deal with false positives. 26:44
- False positives.
- bpd and npd
- How to manage an affair.
- An emotional affair is more damaging than a physical affair.
- The importance of connecting with your wife. 34:13
- There are all kinds of charlatans right now trying to sell you on this bullshit.
- Being empowered is about being somebody, not just about doing things.
- A new community called Revive, monthly membership based coaching.
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YOUR journey of healing starts with trusting the Empowered Man process and a $27 buy-in. If you can’t afford that, then you are doing the wrong work. You are paid commensurate to your value — so create more value.
Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce –
Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! –
In This Episode, Mark and Joey continue the discussion on how to defuse toxicity in relationships and the importance of taking ownership and responsibility in relationships. They share a story of a man who initially wanted to file for divorce but decided to work on himself instead. They emphasize the need to create a safe space for oneself and the significance of self-improvement. They also address the challenges of co-parenting and offer advice on handling pushback in a productive manner.
Episode Summary:
- Intro to the episode. 0:03
- Welcome to the next level of Empowered Man 2.0.
- Creating a new marriage.
- It always comes back to us. 1:55
- It comes back to the man in the mirror.
- Take ownership. Step one, take ownership.
- Why men don’t show up for themselves 3:24
- Men don’t know how to show up for themselves.
- 95% of what men say is bullshit.
- It’s all her telling me how to fix it. 5:03
- Taking responsibility instead of trying to fix it.
- The man he wants to be.
- Understanding that just because your marriage is over doesn’t mean your life is over. 6:33
- Marriage is dead for 98% of you.
- How to get empowered to move forward.
- Santiago family 2.0 vs Santiago family 1.0.
- Kids are more resilient than you realize.
- Understanding your values and willingness to compromise. 11:06
- Being a shell of the man he used to be.
- How to handle push back.
- Things that aren’t worth the battle. 13:16
- No fighting over petty things with your ex-wife.
- Recognize when kids are with you and when not.
- How do you detach from the outcome? 15:13
- Summer camp for five-year-old daughter.
- How to deal with summer camp conflict.
- What are indicators that a spouse is ready to return to the marriage? 17:31
- Three indicators that a spouse is ready to return to the marriage.
- How to protect yourself from manipulation. 19:23
- Protecting against manipulation in a divorce.
- How many guys have a plan.
- Mark’s mission is to eradicate loneliness and help men become better men.
- Empowered man group.
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YOUR journey of healing starts with trusting the Empowered Man process and a $27 buy-in. If you can’t afford that, then you are doing the wrong work. You are paid commensurate to your value — so create more value.
Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce –
Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! –
In This Episode, Mark and Joey discuss how to defuse toxicity in relationships. They address the importance of open communication, the presence of disagreements, and the need to address toxic behaviors. They emphasize the significance of mindset, owning one’s emotions, and staying empowered in difficult conversations.
Episode Summary:
- Intro to the episode. 0:03
- Welcome to the next level of Empowered Man 2.0.
- Check in with the collective.
- How to deal with toxicity. 2:01
- How to defuse toxicity in a marriage.
- How to open up in prayer.
- The little foxes spoil the vine. 3:40
- The little foxes that spoil the vine.
- Why men are afraid of their wives.
- The hard conversations never stop. 5:22
- Avoiding the hard conversations to avoid conflict.
- The hard conversations never stop.
- How to deal with disagreements. 7:00
- The tipping point is accepting disagreements.
- The number one thing in the chat.
- Resentment creates resentment over time.
- Toxic communication, stonewalling and gaslighting.
- The mindset is everything to me. 11:00
- Mindset is everything to me.
- Being present in the moment, being present.
- This is what I do now. 12:45
- Owning her emotions instead of owning your own.
- Every man wants to be exposed.
- Athlete’s stance. 14:28
- Getting an athletic stance.
- The last time he yelled at his ex-wife.
- You have permission to ask for healthy space. 16:05
- Friction met with friction.
- Manipulation is an unhealthy way of getting healthy needs met.
- How to check your ego? 18:38
- Ego at the end of the day.
- True love is not controlling, but freedom.
- You are the problem, not her.
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YOUR journey of healing starts with trusting the Empowered Man process and a $27 buy-in. If you can’t afford that, then you are doing the wrong work. You are paid commensurate to your value — so create more value.
Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce –
Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! –
In This Episode, Mark and Joey discuss the topic of pain and how it can be turned into power. They emphasize the importance of taking ownership of one’s pain and changing the environment to foster growth. They also highlight the need for a clear vision and determination to overcome challenges. Join them as they provide insights and answer questions from listeners.
Episode Summary:
- How to turn your pain into power? 1:36
- Training on how to turn pain into power.
- Pain is not the only one.
- Getting used to navigating through the pain.
- Step one, inventory pain and take ownership of pain.
- Taking a stance of ownership. 6:25
- Take a stance of ownership.
- Elevate your community and environment.
- The difference between impacted and distracted. 9:24
- Most men never heal from this stuff.
- The difference between a disempowered and impacted man.
- You can’t get masculinity from your female therapist.
- Be determined and have a plan.
- Saving your marriage is not a goal at all. 14:24
- Open up for questions.
- Robert has a question about accountability and accountability.
- Your wife holds your balls in her hand.
- Saving a marriage is a state.
- Respect is earned. 17:20
- Men are sick of men being manipulated by their own penises.
- Respect is earned, not automatic.
- Men don’t have any value for what they bring to the table.
- If she doesn’t trust you.
- Why you shouldn’t be happy with who you are now. 22:35
- Respect goals and not content with who they are.
- 100% ownership equals 100% freedom.
- Lying to yourself about your identity. 24:47
- Hunger is the thing that drives and pushes you forward.
- Lying to yourself constantly.
- New layers of love and trust.
- Isolation is the problem 99% of the time.
- Ending the cycle of loneliness in men. 29:09
- Empowered men end the cycle of loneliness.
- Empowering men to come fully alive.
- The importance of having a goal. 31:13
- Sign up for a 30 minute call with Joey.
- Have a goal.
- Mark has a few spots opened up for the next episode.
- Last thoughts from Joey.
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YOUR journey of healing starts with trusting the Empowered Man process and a $27 buy-in. If you can’t afford that, then you are doing the wrong work. You are paid commensurate to your value — so create more value.
Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce –
Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! –
In This Episode, Mark and Joey discuss the topic of disempowerment and the cycle it creates. They discuss the impact of inflection points in relationships and the stories we tell ourselves. They explore the tendency to blame external factors instead of taking ownership and the allure of short-term fixes. They also provide empowering questions to break the cycle and choose complete healing over temporary solutions, as well as:
- Being present with your emotions
- The blame and shame climate of the world
- The concept and importance of community and connection
- Choosing complete healing over quick fixes
- Vulnerability is true power
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YOUR journey of healing starts with trusting the Empowered Man process and a $27 buy-in. If you can’t afford that, then you are doing the wrong work. You are paid commensurate to your value — so create more value.