What You Need to Do If You’re Ready for a New Future

Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce – https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast

Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! – https://www.empoweredman.co/sales-page-483638151651254399768?el=podcast

What do you NEED to do if you’re ready for a new future? It’s simple, really. Tune in to this episode with Mark Santiago and his wingman Joey as they answer listener questions and bounce ideas and insights off each other that are guaranteed to turn you from being a victim into a VICTOR. Men need accountability to call us forward. High-performance people demand accountability, as that is the path to greatness. We know that already.

And so, Empowered AF is teaching you how to rebuild trust, fix your codependency, and learn to speak to her in a way that makes her feel safe – and YOU empowered! Only then are you ready for a new future. Mark and Joey teach us that joy is our strength and humility is our superpower as we break the cycle of past pain and live a life where we are bigger than our ego. Undergoing YOUR identity process starts now. 

In This Episode:

– What does calling your wife ‘stupid’ say about YOU?

– Why there’s no independence in codependency

– What woman wants to be around a guy who is sad and depressed all the time? 

– You get to grow through what you go through

– Why ownership is a lifestyle

– Understanding that humility is preferring someone over you

– Learning to speak HER language

– Why you have to want change to become an empowered man

And much more…

How YOU Can Create a New Future for 2023 so That You Can Avoid Repeating the Pains of the Past

Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce – https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast

Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! – https://www.empoweredman.co/sales-page-483638151651254399768?el=podcast

 How can YOU tell if you’re creating a healthy boundary as opposed to operating from ego or control? How do YOU get away from self-hate so you can work on yourself? How do YOU deal with a wife who has anxiety, calls you names, and threatens divorce? Joey is fronting up today, engaging with the Empowered AF 2.0 community, answering listener questions, and dishing out dollops of truth serum that YOU need to hear to become part of the solution in your relationship. 

In this episode, Joey reminds us that YOU have to show up consistently, keep applying pressure on YOUR personal growth, and then give it time. You’ll also want to put some skin in the game by joining the Thrive Community. Learn to speak HER language while chatting with other men going through the exact same sh*t as you! Joey brings it all together in this episode Of Empowered AF 2.0 that packs a mean punch! 

In This Episode:

– How does one go about the emotional rollercoaster of separation and divorce

– Are YOU attached to the outcome of a confrontation? 

– When you should stop having sex (thinking with the wrong head) 

– How to set healthy boundaries around intimacy when the old marriage is dead 

– Understanding self-hate as shame.

– Are you in love with your partner’s potential

– Using AirPods to track your partner’s movements!

– Understanding the 5 Day Challenge process 

And much more…

How to Overcome the Emotional Pain of Separation

Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce – https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast

Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! – https://www.empoweredman.co/sales-page-483638151651254399768?el=podcast

 How do you deal with passive-aggressive silent treatment during in-home separation? How do you treat her as a neutral woman when she knows how to trigger you? How do you deal with the influences of your wife’s female cousins and your sister-in-law who want to take your wife out partying? Are YOU a gaslighting narcissist

Mark is laying down the law and giving us gold this week in his powerful answers to listener questions in this week’s Q&A episode. Learn how to say NO, set healthy boundaries, and start feeling truly empowered. Remember, when you understand your internal game, the external game will have no hold on you. Stop playing small ball, take RESPONSIBILITY, and build a real kingdom. Mark’s encouragement is just what every man who’s going through the emotional pain of separation needs to hear. This is one episode you DON’T want to miss!

In This Episode:

– Why YOU are responsible for YOUR own triggers

– How contempt seeps into a toxic relationship

– Don’t let someone else’s offense become YOUR offense

– Can we truly love someone unconditionally?

– Focus on emotional intelligence just as much as your financial and spiritual intelligence

– Why it’s not about BEFORE and AFTER, but rather, THEN and NOW

– Learn to focus on who she is NOW!

– Taking ownership of your feelings, i.e., when my wife leaves, I feel abandoned.

– How to go from codependency to interdependence in your marriage

– Why complacency is the death of all things

– Mark shares his advice on not shaming your wife by confrontation

– How to deal with your wife getting your child to lie for her

And much more…

Can Your Marriage Be Saved?

Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce – https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast

Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! – https://www.empoweredman.co/sales-page-483638151651254399768?el=podcast

So many men want to SAVE their marriage. They look for whatever they can do to make it work, and they want to know EXACTLY what they can do to SAVE it. It is so much harder to create a NEW marriage than walk away, and it can be difficult to know whether your marriage can REALLY be saved. Creating a new relationship is a two-way street but it starts with YOU. So how are YOU showing up? Can YOUR marriage be saved? 

It takes TIME to fix the problems in your relationship. You have to put in the WORK. This week, Joey is leading a live Q&A and answering more of YOUR questions about saving your marriage. He shares how you can become a better man, what you can do to generate COMMUNICATION in your relationship, and what is involved in creating a NEW marriage where both of you feel CLARITY and navigate your way back to each other, plus so much more.


In This Episode:

– Discover the ONLY way your marriage can be saved

– A vital question you need to ask yourself about your wife or partner

– Here are 3 steps to deal with the initial pain of your marriage failing

– Find out why people CHEAT in relationships

– Women want to be LED. Here’s what that means for you…

– Joey reminds you of the concept of the neutral woman

– Find out what manipulation is and why it has no place in marriage

And much more…

The ONE Belief Every Man Needs to Make Lasting Change

Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce –https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast

Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! –https://www.empoweredman.co/sales-page-483638151651254399768?el=podcast

This week’s episode is an open Q&A forum where Mark is answering YOUR questions. Whether you’re looking for the best advice in setting boundaries in co-parenting, want help creating a vision for the future, or need guidance on what to do when you can’t move on from your wife, you’re in luck. Mark is answering a range of questions that YOU have submitted to help you start making EMPOWERED decisions and taking EMPOWERED action in your life.

Everyone’s situation is different, and every MAN is different in terms of how he makes decisions. But you can’t make an EMPOWERED decision based on someone else – you have to make it for YOU. In this episode, Mark shows you why you need to take a STAND and make things happen in your life. Find out where so many guys lose their POWER, the level of power many guys are MISSING, and what it means to truly STAND for your marriage.

In This Episode:

– How Mark makes all his leadership decisions

– Where co-dependency comes from

– Discover what happens when MEN start working on THEMSELVES

– Mark shares why you need to know what you want in your RELATIONSHIP and LIFE

– Find out what to do when your wife is disconnected from you

– Hear Mark’s Aha! moment when it came to moving on from his ex-wife

– DIRECT communication changes EVERYTHING. Here’s why…

– THIS is the difference between getting over something and healing from something

– There is ONE dominant belief every man MUST have to make lasting change. Here’s what it is…

And much more…

What to Do, to Create a New Marriage with Your Wife? – Part 2

Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce – https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast

Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! –https://www.empoweredman.co/sales-page-483638151651254399768?el=podcast

Every man should feel FREEDOM. Every man should LOVE their life. This is what Empowered Man is about. Yet so many of you out there continue to live in the same sh*t because you don’t take ACTION and make a CHANGE. Do you want to keep living in DISEMPOWERMENT, or are you ready to reclaim your CONTROL, EMPOWER yourself and make a CHANGE in your life?

Problems will ALWAYS be there, but it’s about how you show up in the midst of them. You need to change for YOU. Not your WIFE, not your KIDS; YOU. You’re a shell of a man until you get EMPOWERED again, and this week, Mark is showing you why if you’re not LEADING, you’re FAILING. He’s showing you how to become the kind of man a woman wants to follow. Find out why you can’t create a new marriage unless you are BOTH taking responsibility and accountability, and three things to consider when it comes to creating a new marriage.


In This Episode:

– THIS is where women THRIVE in marriages…

– Ready to get your POWER back in your marriage? Here’s how…

– Find out what an empowered man is and how to be one

– Learn why YOU have to be the one to bring emotional connection to the marriage

– Discover why you can create a new marriage with your current wife or a NEW wife

And much more…

What to Do, to Create a New Marriage with Your Wife? – Part 1

Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce – https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast

Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! – https://www.empoweredman.co/sales-page-483638151651254399768?el=podcast

Are you struggling with your marriage? Maybe you’re getting separated or going through a divorce and don’t know what to do next. You search online, look for ways to STOP it happening, or what you can do to make it go away. There is so much pain involved, and it makes you act in ways you might not like.

Empowered Man isn’t about saving marriages, it’s about saving families, and they save families by saving MEN. Mark CAN’T tell you how to get your wife back, but he CAN tell you what to do to get YOURSELF back. When you get YOURSELF back, you transform into the man you want to be and gain the opportunity to create a new marriage with the woman you want to be with. So this week, Mark is giving it to you RAW and REAL and showing you the tough love you need to start creating a new marriage with your wife.

In This Episode:

– Mark shares his own experience of divorce from his marriage

– Ready to STOP living a disempowered life? Here’s how…

– Find out how to uncover what you REALLY want in your life

– Are you becoming overly possessive and controlling? Here’s how to tell…

– Find out what IS and what ISN’T ownership

– Mark shares how he has created a new marriage

– Learn why those issues you’re facing today in your marriage don’t just go away with divorce

And much more…

Getting Divorced? Don’t Make This Huge Mistake

Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce – https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast

Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! – https://www.empoweredman.co/sales-page-483638151651254399768?el=podcast

When men are in pain, they look for the CULPRIT. They look for the REASON they’re in pain, and someone or something to BLAME. They think things like “Who did this?!” and “SOMEONE needs to PAY for what I’m experiencing right now!” They look for the person or thing they can attribute their pain to. It feels EASIER to funnel pain into one person or thing than look holistically at what is really going on.

Women are looking for EMPOWERED men, men who take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions and own their sh*t. But there is one huge mistake that Mark sees men making over and over again when they are faced with divorce. This mistake leads to them being WEAK and not showing up as LEADERS in their lives. In this episode, Mark shares what that mistake is and shows you how to NOT make this mistake in your own life. Find out why leaders SERVE, and why nobody can help you unless you are HONEST with yourself.


In This Episode:

– Are you hitting the SHE button? Here’s how to tell…

– Mark shares why the pain he has experienced in his life is one of the BEST things that could ever have happened to him

– Find out why taking NO accountability for your actions is the WORST thing you can do

– Mark shares why he takes FULL responsibility for the failure of his marriage

– Hear how Mark can empower you in a healthy way

– Want to BLAME your wife for your divorce? Here’s why you shouldn’t…

And much more…

Co-Parenting with a Toxic Ex – Do THIS for Your Kids (& Yourself)

Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce – https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast

Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! – https://www.empoweredman.co/sales-page-483638151651254399768?el=podcast

Co-parenting with a toxic ex. It’s a tough one. The marriage or relationship is dead, and the person you were with is not the same person you married, but when there are kids involved, things can get complicated. We don’t want to do this, but often, we don’t have a choice. So how exactly do you navigate co-parenting with a toxic ex?

Co-parenting isn’t always as simple and straightforward as you might like it to be, especially if your ex-wife is toxic and narcissistic. In this episode, Mark shares why it can be so hard to manage these situations, and his three best examples of how to co-parent with a toxic ex. Find out why you can be friendly with your co-parent without being friends and what has helped Mark be successful in his own co-parenting experiences with his ex-wife in times when things have been incredibly toxic.


In This Episode:

– THIS is the very first thing you have to do, for you and your kids

– Mark thought co-parenting would be EASY. Here’s why he was wrong…

– Find out why you need to be DIRECT in your boundaries and communication

– You are NOT friends with your co-parent. Here’s why you need to remember that…

– Hear where Mark sees men get into so much trouble

– You need to STOP playing the victim and own your sh*t. Here’s why…

And much more…

3 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Respect You (& How to Fix It)

Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce – https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast

Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! – https://www.empoweredman.co/sales-page-483638151651254399768?el=podcast 

Does your wife RESPECT you? Do you even know what respect looks like in a marriage? Your wife isn’t looking for RESPECT, she is looking for LOVE, but the number one thing we CRAVE in our relationships as men is RESPECT. Of course, we want LOVE, and of course, we want to feel CHERISHED, but there is something so much more special about a woman RESPECTING us. So ask yourself: are YOU a man who DESERVES her respect?

In this episode, Mark shares 3 signs your partner doesn’t respect you and what you need to do to fix it. Remember, the way you show up in LIFE is the way you show up at HOME and in your RELATIONSHIP, so hear the REAL reasons your wife DOESN’T respect you, why this is a huge problem with DISEMPOWERED men, and some powerful questions to ask yourself around your own marriage or relationship.

In This Episode:

– One of the sexiest things a woman can do in a marriage

– Boundaries have NOTHING to do with control and everything to do with THIS…

– Are you COMMUNICATING your boundaries to your wife? Here’s how to tell…

– Find out why your wife doesn’t HONOR you

– When you LACK personal integrity, here’s what’s going to happen…

– Discover what YOU need to do if you’re a man who wants to be respected by your wife

– THIS is what genuine, authentic communication looks like…

And much more…