My Wife Cheated – Now What? Real Men Do THIS…

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When your wife cheats on you, it is PAINFUL. It is OVERWHELMING. It HURTS. You may not know what to do or where to turn. But getting HURT and DEALING with it are two different things. You can deal with her affair in a HEALTHY way, or you can deal with it in a CHILDISH way; it all depends on which type of man you are. So are you a WEAK man or are you a REAL man? How are YOU going to deal with this situation?

Infidelity doesn’t have to be the be-all-end-all of a marriage breaking down, but it is usually a SYMPTOM of what’s underneath. In this episode, Mark is focusing on what REAL men do and what WEAK men do when they find out their wife is having an affair. Find out three things you MUST do if your wife is cheating or has cheated on you and some things that absolutely WON’T help you in your situation. Whether you stay together in your marriage or get divorced, what Mark is teaching you this week will be sure to help. 

In This Episode:

– Mark shares why his previous marriage didn’t last

– If you get into another relationship without dealing with the trauma of the first, THIS is what will happen…

– Find out how to show EMPATHY to your wife when she’s cheating

– THIS is what REAL men do, and what they DON’T do…

– Boundaries are NOT you controlling your wife. Here’s what they are…

– Learn the reason why most men struggle with the idea of infidelity

And much more…

How to Take Responsibility and Thrive with John Towey

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 Every guy’s story is UNIQUE, and this week’s story is no different. After 17 years with his wife, John Towey was served DIVORCE papers. He had been facing difficulty in the marriage and communication issues, and when she filed for DIVORCE, he didn’t know where to turn. He could have easily gone down the path of self-pity and stayed there. He could have gotten BITTER and BLAMED her, but he DIDN’T. He took CONTROL of his life and joined Thrive. So if you’ve ever wondered what it’s REALLY like inside the VIP Thrive Program, and want to know for sure if it could help YOU, you do NOT want to miss this episode, as John Towey is sharing all.

John is not defined by his marital status, he is defined by HIMSELF. As a former client of the Thrive Program, he is here to show you why YOU can face whatever situation you’re in right now, as long as you keep taking steps FORWARD. Tune in this week to hear John’s story, what happened in his marriage, and why he decided to join Thrive. He shares his BIGGEST takeaways from the program, how it helped him deal with the LOSS of his marriage, and what he thinks his life would have been like if he DIDN’T join Thrive.

In This Episode:

– Discover how the Thrive Program impacted John’s life

– Find out why John has a level of FREEDOM now that is DIFFERENT to what he’s ever known

– A lot of men don’t understand the importance of ownership. Here’s why it was KEY for John…

– John knows that he DESERVES more, here’s how he learned it…

– Find out what John is most looking forward to moving forward

– THIS was the biggest fear John had about divorce…

– John discovered a whole NEW part of himself. Here’s what that looks like…

And much more…

How to Get Over Your Wife and Move On

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Is your marriage OVER? Has the divorce been filed and you’re feeling LOST and wondering what to do next? Divorce is DEATH. It is the DEATH of a relationship, but it doesn’t mean it is for YOU. Divorce might mean your marriage is over, but it can mean a new life for YOU. You do NOT have to live with the pain for the rest of your life, you can move on from your wife, and you WILL survive the pain.

When your marriage is over, you will grieve. And grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves. Some days you’ll be ANGRY, some days you’ll be SAD, others you’ll be OK and others you’ll be PLEADING to go back to the way things were. But when you get to the place you recognize your marriage is OVER, there are 3 things you can do to move on. In this episode, Mark is laying out these 3 things and showing you how to get over your wife, especially when you’ve been married a long time. Hear how Mark did these things in his life to heal from the trauma of separation, and find out why where there is DEATH, there is always LIFE.


In This Episode:

– Mark explores the idea of grieving the dead marriage

– Find out why you have to be honest with YOURSELF first before you are honest with OTHERS

– You can’t just be ANGRY about your divorce; you have to do THIS…

– One of the BEST things you can do to move on from your wife

– Mark shares how he grieved his marriage and moved on

– THIS is what you might feel when your divorce is filed…


And much more…

What to Do When Your Wife Says She Needs Space

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So… your wife wants space. Now what?! When a woman says she wants space, what we hear as men is that we’re no longer GOOD ENOUGH. We’re no longer her PROTECTOR, she no longer feels SAFE, and that scares the f*ck out of us. But what does it actually mean when your wife wants space? 

When your wife wants space, it means the marriage you had is OVER. It is OVER. But here’s the good news: you can create a NEW marriage with her. But you need to STOP trying to fix her, STOP letting your insecurities f*ck you up, figure out what YOU need to do to own your sh*t, and START doing the work. This week, Mark shows you the REAL reason your wife wants space, what that means to you, and what you should REALLY be doing in this situation. He’s showing you how to STOP focusing on what your wife is doing or not doing, and start focusing on YOURSELF to figure out what’s best for you. 

In This Episode:

– THIS is why your wife wants space…

– Discover why it takes BOTH you and your wife to work on your marriage

– You need to STOP self-pitying and keeping yourself as a VICTIM. Here’s why…

– Mark shares why he feels he’s 100% responsible for the failure of his previous marriage

– Are you holding yourself back? Here’s how to tell…

– THIS is where your focus should be when your wife wants space

– When your wife wants space, this is what it does and does not have to do with…

And much more…


Change Your Environment, Change Your Future

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The community you put yourself in dictates, shapes, and molds who you are. Your environment is EVERYTHING. Who you surround yourself with RIGHT NOW and where you are putting yourself is EVERYTHING. So you have to be ULTRA careful about the people you put around you. You need to be INTENTIONAL about your COMMUNITY.

 Think about the community you grew up in, the community you live in now, and the people you’ve always had around you. Do they EMPOWER you? Do they help you THRIVE? Or do they bring you DOWN and hold you back? YOU have the opportunity to grow into the most empowered version of yourself, but if you are hanging around with disempowered, disenfranchised people, you are NOT growing; you are STAGNANT. This world needs men that have come ALIVE, so what are you waiting for? In this episode, find out the POWER of community and how to STOP playing small and START playing large.

In This Episode:

– Find out why COMMUNITY shapes and molds you into who you are

– If you want to GROW, you have to put yourself in a new container. Here’s why…

– THIS is why most support groups don’t challenge the bullsh*t stories, and why Thrive is different

– Mark shares how vulnerability leads to freedom

– Discover the POWER of community and how it can empower you or keep you playing small

And much more…

How to Reclaim Your Kingdom When Your Wife Wants a Divorce

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When guys first find out their wife wants a divorce, the first thing they want to do is dump all the ANGER, FEAR, and everything else they feel, because that is the safe thing to do. It is more comfortable to speak about what SOMEONE ELSE is doing and less comfortable to speak about what YOU are doing. But you are a KING, and what you focus on expands. So are you choosing to allow her to still control you, or are you going to RECLAIM your control and PROTECT your kingdom?

Mark is back with another oldie but goodie this week. It’s RAW, it’s REAL, and it’s UNFILTERED. Because YOU are a king, and when you allow her to control you, you are NOT protecting your kingdom. There is a way back when you’ve lost your kingdom, and Mark is sharing what that is this week. Get ready to STOP sitting on the fence, make your decision, and build a fortress of boundaries around your kingdom so you can start showing up as the KING you truly are.


In This Episode:

– The reason you AREN’T fulfilling what you want in your life

– You do NOT have to live in dysfunction. Here’s how to regain control…

– A common theme Mark sees over and over in the Empowered Man community

– Find out why YOU get to decide how you want to expand your kingdom

– Here are some tips to protect your kingdom…

And much more…

The #1 Reason Your Wife Doesn’t Trust You

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Are you SHOWING UP and HONORING your commitments? In your relationship or marriage, there is ONE thing you can do that will make your wife lose trust: you PROMISE to do something, and then you DON’T do it. Then when she turns around and wants a divorce, or you find out she’s cheating, you’re awakened to the REALITY that your life is not how you thought it was. Why? Because you did not HONOR your commitments. You IGNORED what she had to say. You IGNORED your commitments.

You CAN’T expect your wife to come back to you or stop having an affair if you aren’t willing to commit to the process. You have to be a better man for YOU, not for HER. In this episode, Mark shows you why you need to STOP blaming HER for your problems, commit to the PROCESS, and start doing the WORK. Find out what will happen if you keep on failing to do what you said you were going to do, and the one thing you need to do if you want to fix your marriage. It is NOT okay for you to break commitments. It is NOT okay to say you’ll do something, then do something else. When you do this, you WILL push your wife away. Find out exactly why in this episode.

In This Episode:

– THIS is what women crave in a relationship with a man…

– Find out why your wife doesn’t trust you

– THIS is what a man who is willing to commit to the process looks like…

– Mark shares the number one thing a man can do to annoy a woman

– STOP dishonoring your commitments. START doing the work. Here’s why this is so important…

– Discover why YOU might be pushing your wife away without even realizing it

And much more…

THIS is Why Your Marriage is Failing

Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce –

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So many men find themselves in the same scenario. They discover their wife is CHEATING, she no longer LOVES them, or she says she wants to LEAVE. Then they give away their POWER and think: what do I do now? So what do you do when your wife doesn’t love you anymore? How do you cope when you find out your wife is cheating on you? So many marriages could be SAVED, but they FAIL because men everywhere MESS things up.

Your wife did NOT wake up one day and decide to leave the marriage. That woman LOVED you, she was MARRIED to you, and over time, that changed. But instead of trying to CONTROL her and FORCE your marriage to be saved, there is ONE thing you can do when faced with these situations, and Mark is sharing what that is this week. In this episode, learn how to feel in CONTROL and develop the CLARITY and CONFIDENCE to take the next step when your wife wants to leave. Learn how to be a LEADER, step up and make a decision, and take responsibility for what YOU do next. Do you want to stay married to her, or are you ready to let her go? Discover the next step either way in this episode.


In This Episode:

– Here are some of the reasons your wife wants to leave you…

– Find out what it looks like to become the man you were supposed to become

– Learn how to make a decision and be at peace with it

– You CANNOT control the internal things that happen to her; you can only control what happens for YOU. Here’s why…

– Mark does not specialize in INFORMATION. He specializes in TRANSFORMATION. Here’s what that means for you…

– Discover a simple process you can use when your wife wants a divorce  

– THIS is how you SHOULDN’T react when your wife wants a divorce….

And much more…

How to Deal with Adversity with Mark Shattuck

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Every human being will face ADVERSITY in their life. That is a FACT, and EVERYBODY has their own story. Whether it’s adversity in your marriage, health, or issues from your past, we all face challenges and obstacles that we need to work through. But Jesus says that in this life, you WILL have trouble and tribulation, and this week’s guest is sharing some tools and principles to help you in the face of ADVERSITY. 

Mark is bringing a totally different vibe to the podcast this week as he welcomes Mark Shattuck to the show. Mark is the author of The Hidden Path of Adversity: Discover God’s 7 Unexpected Secrets to Give You the Desires of Your Heart Through Hardship and Pain. He has stood through Mark through a lot of DARK times and has faced a lot of ADVERSITY and OBSTACLES in his own life. But God is BIGGER than anything you could ask for or imagine, and Mark shares his journey with adversity, the obstacles he has faced in life, and where he FINALLY found fulfillment. Hear how Mark developed new eyes to see what Jesus Christ was REALLY saying in the bible, how he discovered the life-giving presence of Jesus Christ, and how you can start paying attention to your HEART.


In This Episode:

– Hear what God has done for Mark in his life

– Discover a phrase that has helped Mark through all of the ADVERSITY he has faced

– Mark’s wife DOESN’T give him life. Hear what does…

– THIS is one of the biggest obstacles we have as human beings…

– Find out why only GOD can save MEN

– There are 7 core needs that EVERY human being has. Here’s what they are…

– Why believing your wife can fulfill you as a man is a LIE

– THIS is the secret to being content, even in WANT…

– God made you to be SATISFIED only through his life-giving presence. Here’s what that means…

And much more…


Resources Mentioned:

– The Hidden Path of Adversity: Discover God’s 7 Unexpected Secrets to Give You the Desires of Your Heart Through Hardship and Pain by Mark Shattuck: 

– The Hidden Path:

Are These 3 Issues Showing Up in Your Marriage?

Something that Mark sees all the time is grown-ass MEN falling all over themselves for a WOMAN. They think everything is fine, life is going great, and then all of a sudden, she turns around and says she doesn’t want to be married anymore. And what do they do? They start thinking about all the BAD sh*t they did, feel guilty for EVERYTHING they did wrong, and they LOSE it trying to get her to stay. That’s just ONE scenario that Mark is sharing this week as he answers YOUR questions from the Empowered Man Facebook group.

There are certain questions that appear in the Empowered Man Facebook group all the time, so Mark has chosen THREE of them and is answering them in this week’s episode. Mark is NOT here to tell you what to do, he’s here to help you build a NEW foundation, and INSTRUCT you to think through things so you can learn how YOU should be approaching life. Are YOU ready to feel more empowered and in control? Learn how to harness the ENERGY of a situation and use it to catapult your own personal growth so YOU win no matter what.

 “If you truly love her, you will give her the space she needs, you will respect her boundaries, and you will create boundaries for your own life.”

– Mark Santiago 

In This Episode:

– Find out what classic childhood or teenage boy thinking is and how it might be showing up for YOU

– You cannot fix her, you have to own YOU. Here’s what that means…

– Find out how the Thrive Program puts men in the most POWERFUL position possible in their lives

– Learn the difference between a COACHING and SUPPORT group

– You’re not deeply in love with her. You’re deeply in love with the CONCEPT of her. Here’s why…

– Discover the POWER of investing in your own growth

– THIS one thing is so hard for men to accept and understand…

– MEN need to learn how to be REAL men. Here’s why…

– Is your wife having an emotional experience that YOU don’t know how to respond to? Find out…

And much more…


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