The ONE Belief Every Man Needs to Make Lasting Change

Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce –

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This week’s episode is an open Q&A forum where Mark is answering YOUR questions. Whether you’re looking for the best advice in setting boundaries in co-parenting, want help creating a vision for the future, or need guidance on what to do when you can’t move on from your wife, you’re in luck. Mark is answering a range of questions that YOU have submitted to help you start making EMPOWERED decisions and taking EMPOWERED action in your life.

Everyone’s situation is different, and every MAN is different in terms of how he makes decisions. But you can’t make an EMPOWERED decision based on someone else – you have to make it for YOU. In this episode, Mark shows you why you need to take a STAND and make things happen in your life. Find out where so many guys lose their POWER, the level of power many guys are MISSING, and what it means to truly STAND for your marriage.

In This Episode:

– How Mark makes all his leadership decisions

– Where co-dependency comes from

– Discover what happens when MEN start working on THEMSELVES

– Mark shares why you need to know what you want in your RELATIONSHIP and LIFE

– Find out what to do when your wife is disconnected from you

– Hear Mark’s Aha! moment when it came to moving on from his ex-wife

– DIRECT communication changes EVERYTHING. Here’s why…

– THIS is the difference between getting over something and healing from something

– There is ONE dominant belief every man MUST have to make lasting change. Here’s what it is…

And much more…

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