Mark & Amy Santiago Talk About Why She Filed For Divorce

Have you ever wondered what pushes women to FINALLY take the plunge and END a long-lasting marriage? These decisions don’t just happen overnight, they are usually the last resort. This week on the show, Mark is joined by a woman – and not just ANY woman – the most special woman he knows: his WIFE, Amy Santiago. Amy has remarried but joins Mark this week to talk about her experience of divorce. MEN, take note: she didn’t WANT to get a divorce, she would RATHER have stayed married, but it ultimately wasn’t possible.

Amy had a marriage that was rocky, full of toxicity, and one that fell apart as a result. This week’s episode is a great case study of what you guys should NOT be doing if you want to create a new marriage with your wife. Tune in to hear Amy’s overview of her first marriage and the demise of it. You’ll learn what she feels were HER responsibilities in the failure of the marriage, what she really wanted from her husband that she never got, and her advice to all you men out there whose wives are wanting to separate or get a divorce.

“Telling your wife you’re going to get a six-pack of abs isn’t getting her back. If you’re showing up as a little boy, it won’t move the needle.”

– Mark Santiago

In This Episode:

– Find out what a HEALTHY woman is looking for in a relationship

– A female perspective on why a man should join Thrive

– THIS is why your wife wants to divorce you…

– Amy shares some examples of how she tried to get her healthy needs met in an unhealthy way

– Discover how long Amy had been considering divorce before she finally instigated it

– Hear the BIGGEST difference between how Amy showed up in her first marriage compared with how she shows up in her marriage to Mark

– Learn the real reason women instigate divorce or separation

And much more…


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