What to Do, to Create a New Marriage with Your Wife? – Part 1

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Are you struggling with your marriage? Maybe you’re getting separated or going through a divorce and don’t know what to do next. You search online, look for ways to STOP it happening, or what you can do to make it go away. There is so much pain involved, and it makes you act in ways you might not like.

Empowered Man isn’t about saving marriages, it’s about saving families, and they save families by saving MEN. Mark CAN’T tell you how to get your wife back, but he CAN tell you what to do to get YOURSELF back. When you get YOURSELF back, you transform into the man you want to be and gain the opportunity to create a new marriage with the woman you want to be with. So this week, Mark is giving it to you RAW and REAL and showing you the tough love you need to start creating a new marriage with your wife.

In This Episode:

– Mark shares his own experience of divorce from his marriage

– Ready to STOP living a disempowered life? Here’s how…

– Find out how to uncover what you REALLY want in your life

– Are you becoming overly possessive and controlling? Here’s how to tell…

– Find out what IS and what ISN’T ownership

– Mark shares how he has created a new marriage

– Learn why those issues you’re facing today in your marriage don’t just go away with divorce

And much more…

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