What to Do, to Create a New Marriage with Your Wife? – Part 2

Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce – https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast

Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! –https://www.empoweredman.co/sales-page-483638151651254399768?el=podcast

Every man should feel FREEDOM. Every man should LOVE their life. This is what Empowered Man is about. Yet so many of you out there continue to live in the same sh*t because you don’t take ACTION and make a CHANGE. Do you want to keep living in DISEMPOWERMENT, or are you ready to reclaim your CONTROL, EMPOWER yourself and make a CHANGE in your life?

Problems will ALWAYS be there, but it’s about how you show up in the midst of them. You need to change for YOU. Not your WIFE, not your KIDS; YOU. You’re a shell of a man until you get EMPOWERED again, and this week, Mark is showing you why if you’re not LEADING, you’re FAILING. He’s showing you how to become the kind of man a woman wants to follow. Find out why you can’t create a new marriage unless you are BOTH taking responsibility and accountability, and three things to consider when it comes to creating a new marriage.


In This Episode:

– THIS is where women THRIVE in marriages…

– Ready to get your POWER back in your marriage? Here’s how…

– Find out what an empowered man is and how to be one

– Learn why YOU have to be the one to bring emotional connection to the marriage

– Discover why you can create a new marriage with your current wife or a NEW wife

And much more…

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