Divorce is Expensive

If you haven’t figured this out yet, Divorce is expensive.Sometimes trolls will bash my ads because they can’t fathom why someone would take back a cheating wife or a wife that says she doesn’t love you anymore.

For some men, they know that saving their marriage is possible and they’re willing to take the hard look in the mirror and take responsibility for their side of things.
And while we know that divorce can COST you a lot of money, lets look at what else it can cost you:

  1. Less time with your kids. Going from seeing your kids every day to only half-time or every other weekend is a serious cost. While you might like the bachelor life it absolutely sucks not seeing your kids.
  2. Loss of love. While she may have hurt you, and did you wrong, are you ready to give up on the love of your life? You sacrificed so much to get to this point. You’ve had kids together, Christmases, family dinners, intimate moments, dates that can never be repeated with anyone. Is it worth giving up on her because she hurt you?
  3. Loss of self. While you can lose yourself in a marriage, you can also lose yourself outside of your marriage. When making the big decision towards giving up on her, you must realize that you will lose yourself for a time.

Either way, you look at it, DIVORCE is expensive. It will COST you and it will COST YOU BIG!
And that’s why you must put on your big boy pants and make some tough decisions.

But, don’t make the mistake of trying to do this on your own. None of us can do this alone. We need people, specifically, other men to walk with us on this journey.

That’s what I do. I get in the corner with other men. Together, we get down in the dirt and find the answers and create a path forward for a man who is hurting, confused, distraught, embarrassed, and doesn’t know which way to turn.

We turn men, who feel like boys, into grown men again. When we work with our guys, we help you communicate with power, create boundaries that demand respect, cultivate responsibility that demonstrates leadership, identify your identity so you know who you are, and discover your values so you KNOW WHAT YOU WANT.

Gentlemen, divorce is expensive, not only financially, but emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Whether your wife files for divorce or not, doesn’t matter.

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a man on your side, rooting for you, keeping you accountable? Wouldn’t it be great if you were investing in yourself and growing as a man, regardless of what your wife does?

And wouldn’t it be incredible if you finally developed the skills necessary to attract and keep your wife? We don’t have much time to waste. We’re not promised tomorrow. Don’t delay another minute getting the help you desire.

When your ready, click on the calendar link below to schedule a time with me or my team.

On this confidential call, we’re going to help you discover your path forward.
And if we think you’re a fit for our program, we will invite you to join so that you can become an Empowered Man.
Our program isn’t cheap. But, its much cheaper than divorce.
Remember divorce is expensive, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for it.
Get proactive. Get on this call. And lets get you going in the right direction.

Mark Santiago
The Empowered Man

PS – We’ve been super booked up all week so if you see an opening grab it and make sure you fill out the application or we will cancel your call: https://go.oncehub.com/empoweredman